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5 juin 2012 2 05 /06 /juin /2012 09:31

By writing this article, I would like to inform you on the syrian conflict.

I didn't know a lot of the situation in this country before I began to write, but I've done some research and it help me to learn a few.


First of all, the Syrian political regime is a parliamentary republic. The syrians vote often to elect their president, their representants. In Theory, it seems like a real democracy (even if both of executiv and legislativ powers are given to the same governement), but in facts there isn't a real democraty because president Hafez al hassad (the last president) ruled 30 years and the actual president (bachar el Hassad, his son...) has already ruled for 12 years.

The politcal opposition should be well supervise in this country which has the 12th biggest army of the world...


Since the begining of the year 2011, there has been some demonstrations against the actual president and for more democracy. Theses demonstrations belong to the movement of "the arabe spring". The actual president grants some social advanced and some rights like the one to demonstrate peacefully to please the people. But demonstrations continue and there are suppress with violence and blood. In some cities like Deraa, Hama, Homs which are the headquarters of contestation, the army has been used.

To explain these interventions, the president Bachar al Hassad denounces an international conspiration to destabilize the country, so the revolt of the population doesn't come from the syrian population but from others country. This argument has some echo in Syrie, and the governement which is nationalist use it widly.


But the situation is going worst, in december 2011, syrian NGO estimated that the repression cost five tausend lifes of civil people. In May 2012, The syrian office for humain right publish a new toll: 12000 civil would have been killed.  

In front of this Civil war, the ONU condamn the political of the Syrie. An intervention armed, like in Lybia in the begining of the year, is in the mind of severals president of country member of the ONU council like France, but China and Russia keep their veto for an armed intervention. May be they have some interest selling guns and bullets to the libyan army.


The civil war in Syrie spreads now in Libanon, and it takes out again religious differencies between chiites, sunnites and christians.

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15 mars 2012 4 15 /03 /mars /2012 11:14

The socialist parti has been created in france in 1969 during the congress of Alfortville. He belongs to the mood of ideas of the french international of the workers.

This parti is represented in the next election by François Hollande, who is a well graduatet man (Hec PARIS, SciencePo and ENA) but  who seems really unassuming. (which could be good in politic)

He and his parti have presented their programme for one months and you can upload it on the following adress:



This project, undernamed my sixtie committement for the France, isn't really clear but I will try to sum up it there:

The first chapter is about employement. He suggest to create different level of imposition for really little, little ang big firms.

He wants to create a new contract where young workers could be join to experimented workers just before they retired.


Education is for him the best way of sucess for France and he promises to create 60000 employ in this field.


The main, according to me, is about the sharing out welth among the nation. He wants to decrease of 30% the pay of the president and ministers. He wants to increase the imposition on fortune. He wants to reduce the gap between high and low salary in businesses. (The highest salary couldn't be  20times bigger than the lowest)


Finally he writes in his programm that he wants that France will be the nation of the environemental excellence and he illustrates his idea with severals points. He also take care to reinforce the idea of laicite, and equality of rights for men and woman.


He wants that France continue to have influence on the world, which seems to be difficult, but as he commits to support music and musical education we could have a nice musical radiation...


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20 janvier 2012 5 20 /01 /janvier /2012 11:21

In this serie of articles, I try to present each political party of french presidential election.

Today I will present you "Europe Ecology Les verts" a political party which group severals party and which is represented by Eva JOLY in the next election.


I try to resume theirs ideas after a short reading of the programme they have diffused on this page:


  • Their first aim is to resolve the global warming and the destruction of natural ressources. In this way they have decided four pillars: sobriety, efficiency, development of renewable energy and fight against the energetic instability(dependance to coal and oil).
  • In this way they want help financially the research on new technologie like biomasse or wind turbine. They want to stop using coal in production of electricity ( it will help the decrease of CO2 production) and close the nuclear power plants on the horizon 2050
  • They will help financially new constructions more efficient in energetic point of view.


  • They have some really social project: they want to highline the healthcare and the education. Moreover they want to reduce the price of location. And  they plan to reduce the rate of unemployement thanks to new jobs in renewable energy.
  • Finally they are turned on the emigrants and poor population, they don't want as some others partys a closing of borders. 


  • They have some others projects that i think good but may be utopist: They want to change some great point like finance, reinforce the european dream and move to a 6th Republic.
  • As regards the world politic, they claim more justice about the environnement disaster and they conclude this fill with the the chapter "a peaceful world". What a programm...




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20 septembre 2011 2 20 /09 /septembre /2011 10:43

"Debout la republique" is a french political party which the main caracter is N.DUPONT AIGNAN ( and he will be the candidate in 2012):

This Party is in the following of the president General De Gaule, I don't really know what really mean to be a follower of de Gaule but it could be because this party have a great idea of France. Of course they don't look back to the 50' and they have their own ideas which are:


-The first chapter is education, it's quite good to think about that because it's the best and the easier way to make society better. They 'd like to restore the authority of teacher at school, to create a tax to enter depending on the social ladder but delete all fees which make university more and more expensive, to create a systematic support for the badest pupils and to lighten the school year whith less hours but less holydays.


-The second one is about employement and unemployement. They want to change the RMI to RMA with an obligation for unemployed people to work for the collectivity once a week. They think about a protectionism to help in one hand the environement (avoïding long distance transport) and in other hand to keep job hier. They don't reject the idea of going-out of euro if necessary and take bac the franc as currency.


-About economy and finance, their programme purpose to create a new tax for the higher income, to promote the shareholdins by the employees. to fight the tax heavens and to remove the main house from the ISF (tax on large fortune);


-They 'd like to change severals things concerning the state. For example they 'd like to establish a compulsory civic service of 3 months for everyone or to nationalise all Highways. They 'd like that France keep a main place on world stage reinforcing the  french speaker communauty but also keeping a budget for army at 2% of the GDP


-And to finish about ecology the think about openning a green livret for all french who want to let their money for green project. They project to tax more the polluting agent and instaure un great european loan to dynamise the sustainable development.


Even if I tryed to make this article with an objectiv view, my selection of ideas is already a way to tell what i think that's why if you'd like not to be inluence by some one go on:



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19 septembre 2011 1 19 /09 /septembre /2011 12:08

Each month, a new political party !


By this serie of article I'd like to go behind each political man and party  who will be candidate at the french presidential election in may 2012. As i was younger i had never really studyed each character with zeal but now i want to do it because i think it's could help me not to be manipulate by the media.


I thing it's important that each of us study really what are the aims of each party to instaure a real debate and not only a image show where all candidates only look after at theirs appearences . Of course my blog could help some to have a resume about each parties but it's always better that everyone go really on the party website to make his own research.


I don't have for instant a real political opinion but may be by selecting some points i tell you my point of view that why in a way to be objective i will try to tell you the website of each party as a source.

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  • : A english blog from a INSA student
  • : This blog aim is to share with others subjects for which i have interest and to improve my english
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