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26 janvier 2016 2 26 /01 /janvier /2016 17:55

One problem in our technologic world is that knowledge growth faster than our ethic.


In this article, I’ll try to fill the gap between my technological knowledge and my ethic about vehicles consumption. Hoping that in the same time, you will also learn something and develop a strong awareness.
Among many others, fuel combustion is the main waste in our society:
Imagine you’ve order a burger in fancy restaurant. When it’s coming you have to hurry and you can only have a bite and leave the rest. That’s approximatively what happens with vehicles. Why do we learn as child not to waste food and nothing about energy?

So what happens under the bonnet?

The oil is used in a thermodynamic 4 strokes cycle:

The piston goes down and the cylinder intakes fresh new air from the intake valve.
The piston compresses the air in the top of the cylinder.
Fuel is injected, burned and it heats the compressed air. It gives energy to push the piston and continue the cycle.
When the piston compresses again the cylinder, burned gases are purge by the extract valve.



Use science to see clearly

That’s how we basically the heat capacity of fuel into mechanical work.
The efficiency is obtained when we compare the energy that we can receive from heating the fuel and the mechanical energy (Work [Watt]*Time = Energy [Watt. Hour]). The efficiency of a heat engine is around 35%. In addition to this main source of losses, we have to consider: the idling, driveline, rolling and aerodynamic losses. At the end, the total percentage of energy use to move the vehicle is no more than 15%.

This is strongly wasteful and it seems to me not a scientific method when you try to increase the percentage of renewable energy and in the same time wish the growth of vehicle demand (20 million of new vehicles in China in 2014, amongst many of French, German and American brands)

But our individual responsibility if we know those vehicles are such inefficient, is to use them with frugality. How can we decently use a vehicle alone? A small car weight is around 1300kg, which leads for our approximatively weight of 80kg to an efficiency of less than 1%!

There are some simple alternatives, but so far immediate profits stuck us with this problem.

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25 novembre 2015 3 25 /11 /novembre /2015 11:40

French president’s visit in China last month was according to “China Daily” news about climate change issues. I wanted to know more about both countries position on this topic that explains the reason of this article. As organiser of the next UN climate conference in December, it was for F. Hollande a key meeting for the success of French politic power. Indeed China is the biggest emitter for climate change gas in 2015. In the following line, I want to dig out the main expectations of this next conference.

Scientifics fixed the maximum temperature increase at 2°C. Higher this value, climate change could become unpredictable and affect large populations. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted an increase of at least 4.8°C if non audacious politic is lead.

The objectives of the conference are first of all to stay under this barrier of 2°C, which seems to me unrealistic. French government stays optimistic and hope that a binding agreement on energetic transition will be find this winter at Paris. An agreement of 100 billion dollars per year from 2020 is expected. Several countries including United States had already unveiled their plan for greenhouse gas reduction. The implication of US head in the right direction but it doesn’t seem that anything audacious will emerge this year.

According to the journal “The Economist”, china will emit twice American climate change gas in 2015 mainly because its electricity production is based on coal. Even if China installs 20 of the 40 world’s GW of photovoltaic installations, it won’t be enough to meet its electricity demand which growths by 15% a year.

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15 janvier 2015 4 15 /01 /janvier /2015 15:41

During the first week-end of december, I went to a convention organized by an association called Christians and oil peak. it's a group of research about links between the ecological problem and the christianity.

I went there because I think that the confrontation of these both topics will lead to something unusual but rich.


The question that leads this association is "Which spiritual ressources to face up to the run out of natural ressources?"


The first speeche was told by Oliver REY, a searcher at CNRS and maths teacher. He spoke about the notion of scale in real world. We assume in our modern world that humain are able to do everythings thanks to technologies. But he said that it exists a scale for humain being. Indeed modern cities with huge supermarket, fast underground... aren't in the humain scale.Our humain size, our walk speed say something about our nature. To illustrate this notion of scale, he took the example of the size. If we were two times higher, we would be four times bigger, but our legs won't be able to support us anymore.He considered that we might come back to a civilisation at humain size.

One other topic was the necessity to associate again the "hard science" like maths or physics and "social science" like philosophy or litterature. The french university is divided into parts, but we have to consider ethic when we study law or engineering. Its a modern fact to dissociate subject and it's not obvious.


Of course, the political questions was broached. There was Mrs. MOREL DARLEUX, secretary of ecosocialism at Front de Gauche. She denounced the infinite growth in a finite world and said that fossil energy can be considered as drugs for the capitalism. Mr LEPESANT, a philosophy teacher, quite fun indeed, impressed me a lot. He perceived three main axes to transform our society. 1/ Give absolute priority to ecological questions. 2/Break off from our conception of illimited liberty, putting liberties after responsability. (He asked a question that interested me a lot: In our democraty, who represents the "missing" like future generations, animals,vegetals...) 3/Refind the taste of simplicity. He asked for a floor salary but associate with a ceiling salary. The reason for this requirement was "How can people can live together where there are so large gap of money between them?" He spoke about the concept of convivial cities where everyone lives at the same rythm than the poorest.


Another speeche was given by Mr. REVOL, a theologian and biologist at Catholic University of Lyon. He tryed to express the christian vision of the earth. How God makes us co-creator of this nature, and how the christian faith can help us to protect the environnement in changing our materialist and industrialist vision of the nature into love look.


I wasn't there during the two days but these speeches have been broadcasted.

You can heard them here:


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21 novembre 2014 5 21 /11 /novembre /2014 10:10

A new article to describe a new film i watched this week.


A science-fiction film called interstellar produced by the british Christopher Nolan.


The story begin in a american farm where only corn can grow. 

I don't exactly know why but all the different crops are distroy by extrodinary strong storm.

That's why the society is disorganised and mainly centred around farming.


An ingineer is extraordinary attracted to a geographical point where there is a secret base of the NASA.

Scientists who live there want to send him to space because he is the best spacecraft ever.

It's hard for him to choice because if he goes he won't see his children again.


he and a team of super scientists and robots land off with a rocket.

The aim of their mission is to discover a new planet to host future generation.

They had severals incidents but futfill to help the scientist to solve THE equation to send all earthling in space thank to a 4th dimension (time).


To end happily, the hero is catch by a spacecraft landed from earth with all humans inside (and especially his daughter who is 120 years old where as he is only 40/Because we age slowler going fast).


What i personnaly think of that??


I consider that the relation in the film are too evident. 

For example the daughter of the ingeneer became the apprentice of the the great scientist...

The ingeneer fells in love with the only girl of the space team.


We don't know the reason of this sudden unfertility of earth! It is said thet the reason is physical, maybe the position of earth in solar system changes and we'll all die if we do nothing. It's  shown as irreductible. But the real problem of soon unfertility ground isn't du to physic only. The main reason is the human activities.


The issue is a change of the moral of the film:  to "save the world" we have to continue considering science as the only possible way instead of stopping creating harmful technologies.

Especially as the dream of another livable planet needs many technologies.


They tried to make a happy end but I consider it not happy at all! Indeed the last rockets can't contain all humans.

But the solution A (the best one) was to save modern humanity and not only an elite.


On my opinion, it's representative of our standard global culture. 




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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 22:16

I haven't write on my blog for months... But I'm still at INSA and I still have english lessons!

I also wrote an article for the newspaper of my school: INSATIABLE. I 'll try to share it here in english!


On september 2013, the administration of INSA decided to refuse to AGAPE, a christian association of the campus, the right to meet in a room of the school, as the association has done it for many years.


This decision give me the wish to write this article because it is the reflect of our generation point of view about religion. For most of our, religion would be like rugby team which usually punch the other team, here comes the rugbalistic expression "oh, what a cathedral!!"??


However in reality, religion isn't only a frame of conflict and believers from differents confessions listen to each other more than we think. A prooth is the conference between the rabbin, Elie Zekkri, the bishop of Lyon, cardinal Barbarin and the rector of villeurbanne mosque, Azzedine Gaci.


But religion aren't only a subject of conversation and exchange. It is principaly deep life school. Learn to do silence in our world where noise is all, where we run everywhere isn't easy feat. On this topic, INSA may decided to apply a mechanical simplification to humans:  sum (interior forces) = 0 !


Also religion ask question about our priority. Today, we can easyli idolize the God-Money. Money who influence us on the way we see others and nature, who give sense to our life and that we think almighty. In face to our economical society of hyperconsumption, which let scandalous inequality, religion invite each of us to build a world where we share ressouces.


In our society, religion seems most of time like a set of superstitions and so opposite to scientifical reason developped on campus. But science and faith aren't opposite. They did'nt answer to the same questions. Science search how and faith why?

This research to give sense, understood as direction and meaning, to our tiny life, cannot be resolved scientifically. In this quest, believers don't pretend to possess the truth. God is a reality that overpasses the human mind. In the big monotheist religions: Islam forbidden all representations that would always be inferior to God and in Christiannity, the God of the trinity still a myster.


By taking the decision to forbid religious organisation, INSA doesn't offer to belivers the place to speak, think and live their faith. But it prevent curious to increase their religious culture. According to me, it can lead to intolerance by leak of knowledge.


Laicity is a delicate subject. It is a nice value if it helps personnal reflexion and mutual respect. But today, it is important to think of application of laïcity in the society. Indeed we cannot speak about religion without feeling a malaise.

Why speaking of God is considered so intrusif? We should search a laicity that lead to a real dialogue and not an interdiction imposed by a form of fundamental atheism.


I think that a sincere atheist is obliged to doubt, as much as believer. May be, to know the doubt of the other can lead us to go forward together. It's my hope. The benefice of the doubt: A dialogue who doesn't try to convince but to know.


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5 juin 2012 2 05 /06 /juin /2012 09:31

By writing this article, I would like to inform you on the syrian conflict.

I didn't know a lot of the situation in this country before I began to write, but I've done some research and it help me to learn a few.


First of all, the Syrian political regime is a parliamentary republic. The syrians vote often to elect their president, their representants. In Theory, it seems like a real democracy (even if both of executiv and legislativ powers are given to the same governement), but in facts there isn't a real democraty because president Hafez al hassad (the last president) ruled 30 years and the actual president (bachar el Hassad, his son...) has already ruled for 12 years.

The politcal opposition should be well supervise in this country which has the 12th biggest army of the world...


Since the begining of the year 2011, there has been some demonstrations against the actual president and for more democracy. Theses demonstrations belong to the movement of "the arabe spring". The actual president grants some social advanced and some rights like the one to demonstrate peacefully to please the people. But demonstrations continue and there are suppress with violence and blood. In some cities like Deraa, Hama, Homs which are the headquarters of contestation, the army has been used.

To explain these interventions, the president Bachar al Hassad denounces an international conspiration to destabilize the country, so the revolt of the population doesn't come from the syrian population but from others country. This argument has some echo in Syrie, and the governement which is nationalist use it widly.


But the situation is going worst, in december 2011, syrian NGO estimated that the repression cost five tausend lifes of civil people. In May 2012, The syrian office for humain right publish a new toll: 12000 civil would have been killed.  

In front of this Civil war, the ONU condamn the political of the Syrie. An intervention armed, like in Lybia in the begining of the year, is in the mind of severals president of country member of the ONU council like France, but China and Russia keep their veto for an armed intervention. May be they have some interest selling guns and bullets to the libyan army.


The civil war in Syrie spreads now in Libanon, and it takes out again religious differencies between chiites, sunnites and christians.

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18 mai 2012 5 18 /05 /mai /2012 10:01


I advice you to watch the reportage on the following link:


This reportage made by Arte (The german and french channel) illustrates perfectly the huge problem of the electronic waste in Africa.

As I've already said it on a recent article, electronic waste are brought from all over the world to africa illegaly or as a "gift" to reduce the numerical break.

Sometimes good intention could be badly made and have terrible repercussion.

These situations show how our world is unfair. We create the bad economical situation in these countries (or anyway we don't let them a chance to grow up in "stealing" their mineral ressources). And then we use this bad economical situation, to exploit them with nasty job, saying we give them jobs... Moreover this activities of dismanting computers, distroy their environement and they won't be able in the futur to use their fiels to feed themselves....

With my insignificant voice, I try to think on what could be the best solutions of this problem:

-We have to control more the electronic waste, especially on the shipping. The law has to be clearer and finally I think it could be great to have a world court against the environnemental crime (Which are indeed crime against humanity).

-We have to improve our methods and means of recycling computers in occidental country. (China is already one step beyond us in this field)

-We have to help them to get more of this new technology of recycling. I'm sure that if it's well done, it could be a great source of wealth.

Anyway it has to be done but not this way !!


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25 avril 2012 3 25 /04 /avril /2012 14:46


With this article, I'd like to share an experience that I've had this eastern holydays.

I went to a farm to learn about the life of farmers with the association called WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farm/ May you know this association? http://www.wwoofinternational.org/)


I won't describe you the two weeks I spent there, but I'd like to share some points that take me to heart:

  • Farmers, and especially those who try to do well their job, work nearly 10hours per day and they don't have any weekend. They really have to love their job to continue because it makes you completly crazy if you do it to earn money. Indeed you work much more than normal workers and you win less.
  • The way they work make us reflect on the way we work. Do we always do the best we can? Do we really deserve our (engineering) salaries with our work? Do we have the same patience with colleague than them with animals?
  • During this short stay on the farm, I've see many really happy guys who really like their job even if it makes them exhausted. It makes me think on what is happiness? Don't we link too much in our society comfort (and money) to happiness?


  • If small farmers win so few (and most of them are financially helped by the state), we may think that they are too many and they aren't useful. May be, a big farmer would be more "useful" using less energy to feed more people. Moreover the way he uses oil, or cereal and transforms his milks for example would be wasteless than little farmers who use rustic tools. I don't know the answer but we have to say that small farmers, as they continue to work with ancestral tools like horses, know more the nature, respect it more...
  • Finally some little farmers, by feeding their goats and their sheeps with their own production of cereals particpate to the reduction of carbon emission because they use less transport than big farmers which soja flour or cereals are transported all over the world.

Anyway I invite you to live the same experience in France or abroad. It will brings you a lot...

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19 mars 2012 1 19 /03 /mars /2012 10:45


The problem of waste is huge all around the world. The way it is solved has repercussion on environement and economy.

Now some laws, especially in Europe, organize the field of treatement of waste and particularly the electronic waste.

This law purposes the one for one. It means that the seller has to recycle one electronic good if he sells one.


In 2011, french produce 16kg of electronic waste per year/personn. Most of these goods are recycle in France but some are exported illegaly to Africa, India or China.

I think it's really unfair that the richest countries, more than taking the ressources of poorest countries, distroy the environement of the poorest countries where waste are exported. There is always the argument of "It's make them more rich, because we finance them to treat this waste." But who will finance the clean of polluted area?


The system is really strange because big firms try to export their electronics wastes as donation. Infact few of the materials are able to work again and they are dumbed in waste reception centre. With the face of the kind country, the rich offer a poisoned give.

It 's really a shame, especially as this problem could be solved by transfers of technologies.


More over the African continent will produce many eletronics wastes (more than the european union) because of the explosion of new means of communication, like cell phones or personnal computer. This problem will increase and will be surely a source of violence.

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15 mars 2012 4 15 /03 /mars /2012 11:14

The socialist parti has been created in france in 1969 during the congress of Alfortville. He belongs to the mood of ideas of the french international of the workers.

This parti is represented in the next election by François Hollande, who is a well graduatet man (Hec PARIS, SciencePo and ENA) but  who seems really unassuming. (which could be good in politic)

He and his parti have presented their programme for one months and you can upload it on the following adress:



This project, undernamed my sixtie committement for the France, isn't really clear but I will try to sum up it there:

The first chapter is about employement. He suggest to create different level of imposition for really little, little ang big firms.

He wants to create a new contract where young workers could be join to experimented workers just before they retired.


Education is for him the best way of sucess for France and he promises to create 60000 employ in this field.


The main, according to me, is about the sharing out welth among the nation. He wants to decrease of 30% the pay of the president and ministers. He wants to increase the imposition on fortune. He wants to reduce the gap between high and low salary in businesses. (The highest salary couldn't be  20times bigger than the lowest)


Finally he writes in his programm that he wants that France will be the nation of the environemental excellence and he illustrates his idea with severals points. He also take care to reinforce the idea of laicite, and equality of rights for men and woman.


He wants that France continue to have influence on the world, which seems to be difficult, but as he commits to support music and musical education we could have a nice musical radiation...


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  • : A english blog from a INSA student
  • : This blog aim is to share with others subjects for which i have interest and to improve my english
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